Friday, May 18, 2018

Red, White, and Beautiful

Memorial Day, marks the beginning of the Summer entertaining season. Here are some great red, white, and blue decor suggestions that will carry you through Summer, and beyond!

Blue and white, ceramic planters on your porch, patio or deck are elegant and beautiful. Plant palms or hostas, in the center of the planters and surround them with red and white annuals for a stunning display of patriotic color.

Browse thrift stores for great vintage wicker and rattan furniture. Once cleaned and brightly painted, they'll create a lovely vignette, that will present as good as new!

Fabric stores are full of fabrics in patriotic pallets this time of year. The beautiful red, white, and blue Ikat prints shown above and below are a couple of examples, of  the many styles available. 

"Americana", is patriotic inspired design that's  always in style!